There is a tool in Financial Economics referred to as formal theoretical modeling. Typically, people who demonstrate this ‘biased’ capacity, and who do it with brilliant imagination, people who discuss not what they see, but rather share their ‘biased’ thoughts with others, are shortlisted for, or awarded Nobel Prizes in Economics.
The most imaginatively brilliant and ‘biased’ models, or thoughts, do not focus on what already exists, for anyone can describe what it is they already see in front of them. Rather these models examine how things could be, and attempt to demonstrate that ‘what could be’ is better than ‘what is’.
I believe that my ‘biases’, and imagination, and thought processes are being maintained well enough, long enough, and brilliantly enough to make a difference in the world. You can check out my professional research page at this SSRN Link. I have provided executive summaries of some of my research findings on this Growkudos Page.