The Behind-the-Scenes Heroes of Innovation

Oghenovo Obrimah, PhD
5 min readFeb 20, 2021

The first mass produced car in the United States was the Model T Ford, invented by Henry Ford. Essence of the invention? Design of a frame whose axles and wheels could rotate as fast as demanded by the energy produced by the car’s engine, energy produced at rate of E=0.5mv².

The Behind-the-Scenes hero?

Sir Isaac Newton, the scientist who discovered that every engine, which ever can be made to power machines on land produces energy at rate of E=0.5mv². Absent discovery of constancy of E=0.5mv², none of cars, or trains, or tractors (mass production of food, such that 5% of the population of the USA produces enough food for the remainder 95%) would be feasible.

Absent the tractor, which is facilitated by theoretical work of Sir Isaac Newton, it would take about 60% of a population for agriculture to produce enough food for entirety of a country.

The Wilbur Brothers invented the airplane, a machine initially snidely regarded as no more than a metal contraption that could fly — a machine no more than the non-pragmatic fancy of two eccentric brothers. Many years later, most of mankind is grateful that the Wilbur brothers were eccentric enough to invent the…



Oghenovo Obrimah, PhD

Educator and Researcher, Believer in Spirituality, Life is serious business, but we all are pilgrims so I write about important stuff with empathy and ethos