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Only if you do it like He Did
A verse in Christian Scriptures with which many persons of other faiths are extremely familiar runs as follows (words in brackets mine in spirit of an amplified reading of Christian Scriptures).
For God did so love the world, that His Son — the only begotten — He gave, that every one who is believing in Him may not perish, but may have life age-during (eternal life) — John 3:16, from Young’s Literal (Verbatim, no attempt at interpretation) Translation of the original Greek to English, acronym, YLT.
A perusal of the verbatim translation reveals a slight difference from the popular translations (e.g. NKJV, RSV etc.) that is of significant importance, namely, rather than, ‘whosoever believes in Him’, the verbatim of the Greek reads, ‘every one who is believing in Him’, should not perish, but may have life that lasts for as long as God’s purposes endure.
Any person who is familiar with English grammar knows that, whereas, ‘whosoever believes in Him’ can have interpretation as a one-time historical transaction, ‘every one who is believing in Him’ only can be interpreted as a transaction that is present continuous. We have then that the verbatim rendition of John 3:16 does a better job of sensitizing us to the spiritual reality that eternal life does not derive from some one-time historical transaction with God, but rather from a present…