Knowledge and Spiritual Growth

Oghenovo Obrimah, PhD
4 min readNov 4, 2018

One of the most important truths about faith in Jesus Christ is, it is rooted in importance of knowledge. This is evident in Jesus’ declaration in John 17:3 that,

And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.

Clearly, believing and

knowing are two different things.

It is important to have reasons for believing. Presence of reasons for believing does not imply, however, that what is reasonable already is experienced.

A man can believe that a woman loves him, marry said woman. Arrival at knowledge of the woman’s love, knowledge of what that love is, knowledge of what the love really means or connotes is developed or occurs in context of challenges of life. Same goes for a woman’s belief that she is loved by a man.

Anyone can claim to love and not be found out because life is all easy and smooth. It is in midst of challenges of life (e.g. new baby, new career, new job, relocation, spouse’s job taking more time than anticipated etc.) that true nature of professed love is…



Oghenovo Obrimah, PhD

Educator and Researcher, Believer in Spirituality, Life is serious business, but we all are pilgrims so I write about important stuff with empathy and ethos