Is the Universe Really Expanding?

Oghenovo Obrimah, PhD
6 min readNov 5, 2022

Cosmology proffers two competing theories for the observation, to wit, galaxies seem to be moving away from earth at speeds that are proportional to their distance. This phenomenon is, itself, not questioned, is referred to as, Hubble’s Law.

In the first school of thought, Hubble’s Law is rationalized by the assumption, to wit, the universe is expanding — the seemingly direct explanation (see for example, Hartnett 2011). If the universe is expanding, it either is the case that new matter is arriving in the universe, or that existing galaxies are expanding. In absence of any evidence that earth’s own galaxy — the Milky Way Galaxy — is expanding (evidence that likely is impossible to obtain, because we are part of the Milky Way Galaxy), it, perhaps can be asserted that validity of the ‘universe is expanding’ hypothesis rests on the arrival of new matter in the universe that, simultaneously, pushes out other matter. The notion, however, that new matter can ‘push’ other matter outwards raises questions in respect of the stability of the universe, questions that are not borne out by the existing evidence.

In the second school of thought, the universe is static, but due to the hypothesis, to wit, the amount of energy that is lost by photons as they travel intergalactically increases with time, over time, it takes increasingly longer amounts of time for light from…



Oghenovo Obrimah, PhD

Educator and Researcher, Believer in Spirituality, Life is serious business, but we all are pilgrims so I write about important stuff with empathy and ethos