If we are to make the most of faith in Christ, we must acquire pragmatic knowledge of how to walk with Christ
It feels good to hear that someone took the time to search out the evidence. The travesty that has become characteristic of the Christian Church, however — mind you, not Christ, or the body of Christ, but physical entities that are supposed to coincide with the body of Christ, but which increasingly are not — is the following.
Very few churches still know, or are able to convey how exactly to live like, or become like Christ. I am not talking theory here, rather am talking practice.
I grew up in midst of highlighted lack of knowledge. By the grace of Christ, however, over the course of about 25 years, The Holy Spirit has helped me put together essence of things that a Christian needs to do if they are to progress in their journey towards Christ.
Becoming like Christ does not work like magic. Only those who know what to do and do it become like Christ.
The importance of knowing the right things to do?
For if we have been united with Him in a death like His, we shall certainly be united with Him in a resurrection like His (Romans 6:5).
Jesus then said to the Jews who had believed in Him, “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free (John 8:31–32).”
The Holy Spirit makes clear, if we do not do it like He (Jesus) did it, or if we do not do anything at all, we will not arrive at the same result that Jesus produced. There is not any magic to becoming like Christ.
If you seek to make the most of your new found faith in Christ, I assure you that you can do no better than buying my books, which you then would read in sequence, titled,
‘In Jesus Name’: Understanding what it means to have faith in Christ, and the resources necessary to receive or practice with that faith. Available for sale on Amazon.com.
Other than my book, ‘In Jesus Name’, you will not find a practical definition of faith in any other book. While Francis Schaeffer’s book, ‘True Spirituality’ , which also is Holy Spirit inspired, discusses how to practice faith, it does not define faith, and the process for transformation of faith into love.
‘True Sanctification’: Discusses responsibilities expected of you by Jesus Christ, and rewards that accrue to performance of such responsibilities.
The focus here is on what is expected of you in relation to your fellow man, that is, what exactly you are supposed to do with all of those resources that you receive from Christ. Jesus promises that it is in course of doing of these things that you become the very best version of your self.
In this respect, did you know that God asserts He increases intelligence in context of demonstration of good character? And did you know only those who do not attempt to break fellow men (male or female) who already are bent over with cares of life, or fellow men whose ‘life flame’ is weak are able to reign with Christ? Available for sale on Amazon.com.
My book, True Sanctification shows you that sanctification is not about God wanting to prove He can dictate to you how to live, but rather, much like an expert tells you the sort of niche expensive oil that produces the most ‘vroom’ out of a car’s high performance engine, it is about Jesus telling you what you have to do to arrive at the very best version of your self. You see already that this book is not about religion, rather is about you and Jesus Christ.
‘A Spiritual Exposition of Revelations of Jesus Christ (ASERJC)’. In the Book of Revelation, Jesus asserts that a Christian interacts with two entities, the Church, which can either be true to Christ or apostate, and civil authorities, whom can promote equality, or injustice. My book, ASERJC provides a spiritual exposition of the Book of Revelation that focuses on implications of decisions on part of the Church or the Nations to choose right or wrong paths for a person who believes in Christ, and how exactly a person who believes in Christ is to respond to such actions. The book discusses God’s rewards and punishments that arrive in response to either of right or wrong choices on part of either of the Church, or the civil authorities. Available for sale on Amazon.com.
Rightly understood, the Book of Revelation is not about Armageddon or the end of the world, rather is about how Jesus spent over 1,000 years subsequent to His ascension back to heaven eliminating claim of every spiritual entity, which sought to be an approving entity for your salvation and mine. Why would God seek to eliminate claims over time, rather than instantaneously at ascension of Jesus? Because God restrains Himself to achieve purposes with reasoning and evidence, then judgment — rewards or penalties. Over the course of the 1,000+ years, Jesus demonstrated to every such spiritual entity that they were no less sinful than those over whom they sought spiritual authority. By 1454 AD, Jesus had eliminated all obstacles, the Bible began to be available to all men, and Jesus commenced His spiritual reign here on earth. My book, ASERJC explains essence of the spiritual reign of Jesus Christ on earth, and the process and events that led up to the event.
There are heights of righteousness, peace, and joy that are attainable in Christ, which many Christians do not as yet even fathom that they exist. It is a travesty if after we receive Christ, we lack the practical, equivalently, pragmatic spiritual knowledge that enables making the most of our spiritual, yet necessarily pragmatic and practical walk with Christ.