Humor and God

Oghenovo Obrimah, PhD
4 min readJul 14, 2018

Ever wondered whether God has a sense of humor? When most people think about God what comes to mind is a stern, judgmental face concerned only with arriving at a judgment about just how good people have been recently.

When some people think about the Judaic God, regardless of evidence to the contrary, what seems to come across is a God who killed off other races, all so He could provide an inheritance for His own chosen people. They think of this as a God who sanctions genocide. Same people believe, however, that a President of a country, or a Judge appointed by a country has power to kill off evil people within his or her domain (as granted by the Constitution). Regardless, they question authority of the Creator (by assumption and requirement of consistency) for killing off of evil people within His creation. A Judge or President does not execute killing orders. Neither does God most of the time.

Subsequent to the Judaic age, and commencing with ministry of Jesus Christ, God consigned the right for killing off of evil doers to civil authorities all over the world. This is the reason Christian Scriptures declares civil authorities are judged by God relative to the extent to which they are not corrupted with respect to execution of justice. Whenever civil authority is corrupted, God reserves the right for executing of any ‘killing’ sort of justice to Himself. King Herod died this way during…



Oghenovo Obrimah, PhD

Educator and Researcher, Believer in Spirituality, Life is serious business, but we all are pilgrims so I write about important stuff with empathy and ethos